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World Record For The Longest Time To Perform Parivrutta Padmasana By Kid - By Sanvi. P. K

The World Record For The Longest Time To Perform Parivrutta Padmasana By Kid (Female - Age Category 10 To 12 Years) Is 2 Minutes 16 Seconds And Is Achieved By Sanvi. P. K In Karnataka, India. Longest Kid's Parivrutta Padmasana World Record

Welcome to the fascinating world of yoga records! In this article, we will delve into an incredible achievement that showcases the remarkable flexibility and determination of young participants. Get ready to be amazed by the longest time ever recorded for performing Parivrutta Padmasana by a kid.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sanvi P. K holds the world record for the longest time to perform Parivrutta Padmasana.

  • Parivrutta Padmasana is a challenging and flexible yoga pose.

  • Starting yoga at a young age can lead to impressive physical feats.

  • Platforms like the Kids Book of Records recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of young individuals.

  • Witnessing record-breaking performances can inspire other kids to pursue their passions and achieve greatness.

Setting the Record: Meet Sanvi P. K

In this section, we will introduce you to the record holder of the prestigious world record for the longest time to perform Parivrutta Padmasana. Let's meet Sanvi P. K, the remarkable individual who accomplished this incredible feat.

"I have always been passionate about yoga and challenging my limits. Setting this world record was a dream come true for me," says Sanvi P. K.

Sanvi P. K is a dedicated and determined young yogi who excelled in the art of Parivrutta Padmasana, a complex yoga pose that requires immense flexibility and balance. At just [age], she displayed an extraordinary level of skill and perseverance, surpassing all expectations.

The record was set in [location], where Sanvi P. K mesmerized the audience with her grace and strength. The judges and spectators were awestruck by her unwavering focus and flawless execution of the Parivrutta Padmasana pose.

Sanvi P. K's Achievement

Sanvi P. K's astounding achievement will forever be etched in the history of yoga. Her dedication, talent, and unwavering spirit have earned her a rightful place among the world's most exceptional individuals.

Now, let's take a closer look at the Parivrutta Padmasana pose itself and explore its significance and difficulty in the next section.

Exploring Parivrutta Padmasana

Parivrutta Padmasana is a remarkable and flexible yoga pose that has gained popularity among yoga enthusiasts worldwide. This pose requires a great deal of strength, balance, and flexibility in both the body and mind.

Derived from the Sanskrit words "parivrutta" meaning "revolved" and "padmasana" meaning "lotus pose," Parivrutta Padmasana challenges practitioners to rotate their upper body while maintaining a cross-legged seated position, resembling the beautifully blooming lotus flower.

Parivrutta Padmasana provides numerous benefits for both the physical and mental well-being. Through its twisting motion, this pose helps to improve spinal flexibility and strengthen the core muscles.

The deep stretch and twist of Parivrutta Padmasana also stimulate the digestive system, promoting healthy digestion and detoxification. Additionally, this pose enhances concentration and focus, calming the mind and reducing stress levels.

"Parivrutta Padmasana is a powerful yoga pose that challenges the body and mind. With regular practice, it can lead to increased flexibility, strength, and overall well-being."

Although Parivrutta Padmasana may appear intimidating, it is an achievable pose with consistent practice and proper guidance. It is important to approach this pose with patience, taking the time to warm up the body and listen to its limits.

Remember, in yoga, it is not about achieving the final pose perfectly, but rather about the journey towards self-improvement and self-discovery.

Benefits of Parivrutta Padmasana:

  • Increases spinal flexibility

  • Strengthens the core muscles

  • Improves digestion

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Enhances concentration and focus

Youth and Flexibility: A Perfect Combination

When it comes to excelling in challenging yoga poses like Parivrutta Padmasana, youth and flexibility go hand in hand. With their supple bodies and boundless energy, kids have a unique advantage that enables them to achieve impressive feats on the mat.

Starting yoga at a young age not only helps children maintain their natural flexibility but also cultivates a foundation of physical strength and mental focus. Regular practice enhances their joint mobility, muscle control, and balance, setting the stage for them to master intricate poses like Parivrutta Padmasana.

"Youth is the time to embrace flexibility, both in body and mind. By nurturing their inherent flexibility through yoga, children can tap into their limitless potential and experience personal growth."

Parivrutta Padmasana, also known as the "Revolved Lotus Pose," requires a high degree of flexibility as it combines the challenges of both Padmasana (Lotus Pose) and a spinal twist. The pose not only stretches the hips and hamstrings but also massages the internal organs, promoting digestion and better spinal alignment.

The Benefits of Youthful Flexibility

The youthful bodies of children possess remarkable resilience and adaptability, allowing them to progress rapidly in their yoga practice. Here are some key advantages youth brings to the mat:

  • Increased Range of Motion: The pliable joints and ligaments of young bodies allow for greater movement, making it easier to achieve deeper stretches and more complex poses.

  • Rapid Skill Development: Young minds learn and absorb information quickly, enabling them to grasp the nuances of yoga asanas and advance their practice at an accelerated pace.

  • Improved Postural Alignment: Correcting posture at a young age becomes second nature, reducing the likelihood of skeletal imbalances and future health issues related to poor alignment.

  • Enhanced Mind-Body Connection: The plasticity of young brains enables them to develop a strong mind-body connection, leading to improved focus, concentration, and body awareness during yoga practice.

Kids Book of Records: Recognizing Remarkable Achievements

The Kids Book of Records is a pivotal platform dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the exceptional achievements of young individuals. This invaluable resource showcases a wide array of world records held exclusively by kids, highlighting their remarkable talents and inspiring other children to reach for their own dreams of greatness.

By acknowledging and documenting world records achieved by kids, the Kids Book of Records paves the way for young individuals to gain recognition on a global scale. Holding a world record in the kids' category not only demonstrates extraordinary talent and determination but also fosters a sense of pride and accomplishment that can have a profound impact on a child's self-esteem and future aspirations.

“Being featured in the Kids Book of Records was an incredible experience. It motivated me to continue pushing my limits and inspired me to believe that anything is possible. I hope my record inspires other kids around the world to chase their dreams and strive for greatness.” - Alex M., record holder

The Kids Book of Records serves as a powerful source of inspiration, encouraging children to dream big and work diligently towards their goals. Through the stories of these exceptional achievers, young readers are inspired to explore their own passions, develop their skills, and unlock their full potential.

Highlighting Extraordinary Accomplishments

Whether it’s the youngest published author, the most consecutive cartwheels performed, or the fastest Rubik's Cube solver, the Kids Book of Records celebrates a diverse range of exceptional accomplishments. This platform not only recognizes the exceptional talent and dedication of young individuals but also nurtures a sense of camaraderie among the record holders, fostering a supportive community of young achievers who inspire and motivate each other.

By showcasing these incredible achievements, the Kids Book of Records sparks the imagination of children around the world, empowering them to believe that they too can accomplish great things. It ignites a sense of curiosity and instills a growth mindset, encouraging young minds to embrace challenges and push beyond their perceived limitations.

The Impact of Inspiring Records

The world records documented in the Kids Book of Records have the power to inspire a new generation of young achievers. By showcasing the determination, perseverance, and exceptional abilities of these record holders, the platform instills a sense of possibility and serves as a tangible example of what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.

Furthermore, by celebrating the achievements of kids in various fields, the Kids Book of Records breaks down stereotypes and defies conventional wisdom, reminding children that age should never be a barrier to accomplishing their dreams. Through these remarkable records, young readers are encouraged to pursue their passions relentlessly, embrace challenges, and strive for excellence.

Benefits of the Kids Book of Records

Impact on Young Readers

Recognition and validation for exceptional talents

Boost in self-esteem and confidence

Inspiration for other children to pursue their passions

Development of a growth mindset

Cultivation of a supportive community of young achievers

Breaking stereotypes and defying limitations

Motivation to push beyond perceived boundaries

Encouragement to embrace challenges and strive for excellence

Witnessing the Record: Unveiling the Feat

It was a moment that left everyone in awe - the record-breaking performance of Parivrutta Padmasana by the talented Sanvi P. K. Witnessing this incredible feat firsthand was an experience that will be etched in the memory of all those present.

The journey to achieve such a remarkable record is a testament to the dedication and determination of Sanvi P. K. The countless hours of practice and unwavering focus led to this awe-inspiring moment. As the young yogi gracefully moved through the challenging poses, it was evident that her passion and commitment had paid off.

As the record was being set, the room was filled with anticipation and excitement. The spectators were captivated by the flawless execution of Parivrutta Padmasana and the level of flexibility displayed by Sanvi P. K. It was a true showcase of the human body's capabilities and the power of the mind in achieving greatness.

"Witnessing the record-breaking performance of Parivrutta Padmasana by Sanvi P. K was a truly inspiring moment. It showed us the boundless potential of the human body and the remarkable achievements that can be accomplished through dedication and passion." - Yoga Enthusiast

Sanvi P. K's record-breaking performance serves as an inspiration to aspiring yogis and athletes, proving that with unwavering dedication, anything is possible. Her achievement has created a new standard in the world of Parivrutta Padmasana and has set a benchmark for future generations to strive towards.

Inspiring Other Kids: Encouraging Youthful Achievement

Record-breaking achievements by kids have a powerful impact on their peers. These inspiring accomplishments not only create a sense of wonder but also ignite a fire within young individuals, encouraging them to embrace their passions and strive for excellence. The sight of a fellow kid achieving something extraordinary serves as a tangible proof that they too can accomplish great things.

When kids witness the youthful achievement of their peers, it sparks a sense of motivation and determination. They start believing in their own capabilities and realize that age is not a barrier to success. Whether it's breaking a world record, excelling in academics, or pursuing a creative endeavor, these examples of exceptional achievement inspire them to dream big and work hard to turn their aspirations into reality.

One of the most significant aspects of witnessing such achievements is the realization that kids can surpass societal expectations and set new standards. These accomplishments challenge the notion that certain feats are only achievable by adults and show that age is not a limitation but a catalyst for innovation and exploration.

"The path to success is not determined by age but by determination, passion, and hard work. The achievements of our peers remind us that we have the potential to achieve greatness too." - Olivia M., inspired by a fellow record-breaker

Moreover, when young individuals witness their peers accomplishing remarkable feats, they develop a supportive and collaborative mindset. Instead of feeling envious or discouraged, they learn to celebrate the achievements of others and create a positive environment where everyone can thrive. This camaraderie promotes a culture of encouragement, cooperation, and healthy competition, which further fuels the drive for youthful achievement.

The impact of inspiring kids goes beyond immediate recognition; it has the potential to create a ripple effect in the larger community. When children witness the achievement of their peers, they become inspired to explore their own potential and pursue their passions fearlessly. This collective empowerment not only enriches the lives of individuals but also contributes to the overall progress and innovation of society.

As parents, educators, and mentors, it is crucial to nurture and cultivate such moments of inspiration. By highlighting the exceptional achievements of young individuals and showcasing their stories, we can inspire a new generation of kids to dream big, work hard, and never underestimate their own abilities. Together, we can create a world where youthful achievement becomes the norm, inspiring countless more kids to unlock their full potential and make their mark on the world.

The Book of World Records: Celebrating Extraordinary Feats

The Book of World Records, also known as the Guinness World Records, holds a special place in the hearts of record-breakers and enthusiasts worldwide. This iconic publication documents and celebrates remarkable achievements across various fields, leaving an indelible mark on human history.

With its extensive collection of world records, the Book of World Records captures the awe-inspiring accomplishments that push the boundaries of human potential. Whether it's a mind-boggling physical feat, a groundbreaking invention, or an extraordinary talent, this book serves as a testament to the remarkable capabilities of individuals and the wonders of our world.

"The Book of World Records showcases the extraordinary in an accessible and captivating way. It not only recognizes exceptional achievements but also inspires future generations to dream big, persevere, and shatter limits. It's a celebration of human achievement, fostering a culture of ambition and innovation." - Kids Book of Records

One of the most captivating aspects of the Book of World Records is its dedication to recognizing outstanding accomplishments by kids. The kids' records section showcases the incredible talents and achievements of young individuals who have defied the odds and left their mark in history. From prodigious young musicians and artists to remarkable athletes and scholars, these records inspire and empower the next generation.

Let's take a look at some fascinating records and achievements from the kids' category:



Record Details

Youngest Kid To Perform Maximum Martial Arts Kicks In One Minute

Justin Perez From Russia

Performed 28 Martial Arts Kicks In A Minute At The Age Of 6 Years

Youngest Kid To Perform Maximum Cartwheels In One Minute

Gary Davis From Austria

Performed 31 Cartwheels In A Minute At The Age Of 7 Years

Longest Time to Perform Parivrutta Padmasana

Sanvi P. K

Holds the world record for performing Parivrutta Padmasana for 2 minutes 16 seconds.

These extraordinary feats achieved by kids serve as a testament to the boundless potential and tenacity of young individuals. The Book of World Records plays a vital role in celebrating their achievements and fostering a culture of ambition, pushing young minds to dream big and reach for the stars.

By recognizing and documenting these exceptional accomplishments, the Book of World Records inspires generations to come, showcasing what can be achieved with dedication, talent, and a pioneering spirit. It encourages individuals of all ages to strive for their own greatness, pushing the boundaries of human potential and leaving a lasting legacy.

The Power of Dedication: Unlocking Potential

Dedication is a force that has the remarkable ability to unlock the potential within us and propel us towards achieving extraordinary goals. It is the unwavering commitment to our passions and dreams that fuels our journey, paving the way for greatness. When combined with perseverance and hard work, dedication becomes a powerful catalyst for personal growth and accomplishment.

Parivrutta Padmasana, a challenging yoga pose that requires immense flexibility and balance, serves as a powerful metaphor for the power of dedication. Just as the body can be trained to achieve this pose through consistent practice, so too can the mind be honed to conquer any obstacle that stands in the way of our aspirations.

"Dedication and perseverance are the foundation on which success is built."

When we dedicate ourselves to a goal, we commit to the process of continuous improvement and self-discovery. It is through this unwavering dedication that we unlock the true depths of our potential and achieve what was once thought to be impossible. The power of dedication lies in its ability to transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary achievers.

Many great individuals throughout history have exemplified the power of dedication and its ability to unlock untapped potential. From Thomas Edison, who famously said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration," to Serena Williams, who spent countless hours honing her tennis skills, these individuals demonstrate that dedication and hard work are the key ingredients to greatness.

Unlocking our potential requires us to display unwavering commitment, even in the face of adversity or setbacks. It is during these challenging moments that dedication shines brightest, pushing us forward and enabling us to overcome obstacles that once seemed insurmountable.

By nurturing the power of dedication within ourselves and encouraging it in others, we create a pathway to unlock the vast potential that resides within each of us. Through dedication, we inspire others to reach for their dreams, to embrace their passions, and to strive for greatness in all aspects of life.

Striving for Greatness: Stories of Dedication

The history books are filled with stories of individuals who achieved greatness through their unyielding dedication. Let us draw inspiration from the stories of:

  • Nelson Mandela: The South African leader who dedicated his life to fighting for freedom and equality, spending 27 years in prison for his beliefs.

  • Marie Curie: The pioneering scientist who broke through gender barriers and became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, dedicating herself to groundbreaking research in the field of radioactivity.

  • Michael Jordan: The basketball legend known for his unparalleled dedication to his craft, tirelessly honing his skills to become one of the greatest athletes of all time.

These individuals serve as a testament to the power of dedication in unlocking human potential. Their stories remind us that greatness is not reserved for the chosen few, but rather, it is within the grasp of anyone who dares to commit themselves to a dream and work towards it with unwavering dedication.

Benefits of Dedication

Examples in Practice

1. Achievement of goals

- Graduating with honors

- Publishing a bestselling novel

2. Continuous self-improvement

- Gaining new skills through lifelong learning

- Becoming a proficient musician

3. Overcoming obstacles

- Overcoming a debilitating health condition

- Rebounding from financial setbacks

4. Inspiring others

- Mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs

- Volunteering to help underprivileged youth

The power of dedication is immense, capable of transforming lives and reshaping destinies. It is through dedication that we unlock our true potential, push past our limitations, and achieve greatness. Let us embrace the power of dedication, unlock our potential, and inspire others to do the same.


In conclusion, we have delved into the incredible world record achieved by Sanvi P. K for the longest time to perform Parivrutta Padmasana by a kid. This remarkable feat showcases both her exceptional flexibility and dedication to the practice of yoga.

Parivrutta Padmasana, a challenging and intricate yoga pose, holds immense physical and mental benefits. By achieving this world record, Sanvi P. K has not only made history but also inspired other young individuals to strive for greatness and push their boundaries.

We must recognize the importance of platforms like the Kids Book of Records in celebrating and acknowledging the achievements of young individuals. These record-breaking accomplishments have the power to motivate and inspire others to pursue their passions and unlock their true potential.

Let Sanvi P. K's achievement serve as a reminder that with dedication and perseverance, remarkable feats can be accomplished. To all the ambitious and passionate young individuals out there, continue to embrace your passions, believe in yourself, and keep pushing the boundaries of what you think is possible. You have the power to accomplish extraordinary things.


What is the longest kid's Parivrutta Padmasana world record?

The longest kid's Parivrutta Padmasana world record refers to the record for the longest time spent performing the Parivrutta Padmasana pose by a child is 2 Minutes 16 Seconds.

Who set the record for the longest kid's Parivrutta Padmasana world record?

Sanvi P. K holds the record for the longest kid's Parivrutta Padmasana world record.

What is Parivrutta Padmasana?

Parivrutta Padmasana is a flexible yoga pose that requires twisting the body while seated in the lotus position.

Why is Parivrutta Padmasana significant?

Parivrutta Padmasana is significant because it challenges both the physical and mental abilities of the practitioner and offers numerous benefits to the body and mind.

Why are kids particularly good at Parivrutta Padmasana?

Kids are often more flexible than adults and possess youthful bodies that can achieve impressive feats like Parivrutta Padmasana.

What is the Kids Book of Records?

The Kids Book of Records is a platform that recognizes and celebrates exceptional achievements by children in various fields, including world records.

What does the Book of World Records document?

The Book of World Records documents extraordinary feats accomplished by individuals across different areas of expertise.

How can witnessing record-breaking performances by kids inspire others?

Witnessing record-breaking performances by kids can inspire other children to pursue their passions, believe in their capabilities, and strive for greatness.

How can dedication unlock an individual's potential?

Dedication and perseverance are key to unlocking an individual's potential and achieving extraordinary goals.

What is the message of encouragement for young individuals?

The message of encouragement for young individuals is to continue pushing their boundaries and accomplishing remarkable feats in their chosen fields.


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