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World Record For The Longest Time To Perform Kurmasana By Kid -Achieved By Anvitha Shetty In Karnataka, India

The World Record For The Longest Time To Perform Kurmasana By Kid (Female - Age Category 10 To 12 Years) Is 2 Minutes 20 Seconds And Is Achieved By Anvitha Shetty In Karnataka, India. The World Record For The Longest Time To Perform Kurmasana

Have you ever wondered how long a child can hold a difficult yoga pose? Well, wonder no more, because Anvitha Shetty from Karnataka, India, has set a remarkable world record for the longest time to perform Kurmasana by a kid in the age category of 10 to 12 years. Anvitha achieved an incredible time of 2 minutes and 20 seconds, setting a new standard in the Kids Book of Records.

Meet Anvitha Shetty: The Yoga Prodigy

Anvitha Shetty is not your average 11-year-old. She has been practicing yoga since the tender age and has quickly become a master of various poses. Kurmasana, also known as the turtle pose, is one of the most challenging poses in yoga, requiring immense strength, balance, and flexibility. Anvitha's dedication and passion for yoga have allowed her to excel in this demanding pose, ultimately leading to her world-record achievement.

The Journey to Success

Achieving a world record is no easy feat, especially for a child. Anvitha's journey to success was filled with hard work, perseverance, and countless hours of practice. She dedicated herself to perfecting the Kurmasana pose, pushing her limits, and defying expectations along the way. Through determination and sheer willpower, Anvitha was able to surpass all obstacles and make history with her incredible achievement.

Setting a New Standard

Anvitha Shetty's world record for the longest time to perform Kurmasana serves as an inspiration to young yoga enthusiasts all around the world. Her determination, passion, and unwavering commitment to her practice showcase the immense potential that children possess. By setting a new standard in the Kids Book of Records, Anvitha has proven that age is just a number when it comes to achieving greatness.

The Power of Yoga for Kids

Yoga is not only a physical exercise but also a mental and spiritual practice that can benefit people of all ages. For kids, yoga provides a multitude of benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, focus, and relaxation. Engaging in yoga at a young age can help children develop healthy habits, cultivate mindfulness, and enhance their overall well-being. Anvitha Shetty's record-breaking achievement highlights the transformative power of yoga for kids and underscores the importance of incorporating yoga into children's lives.

Conclusion In conclusion, Anvitha Shetty's world record for the longest time to perform Kurmasana is a testament to her exceptional talent, dedication, and passion for yoga. Her achievement serves as a source of inspiration for young aspiring yogis and showcases the limitless potential of children. By setting a new standard in the Kids Book of Records, Anvitha has left an indelible mark in the world of yoga and continues to inspire others to reach for their dreams. Let Anvitha's story be a reminder that with hard work, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to one's goals, anything is possible.Meta-description: Anvitha Shetty from Karnataka, India, sets a world record for the longest time to perform Kurmasana by a kid (female - age category 10 to 12 years), inspiring young yogis worldwide.


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